01643 707213

Local Radio

BBC Somerset
Broadcasting House, Park Street, Taunton, Somerset TA1 4DA
Reception - Tel: 01823 323956
Studio - Tel: 0845 303 1566
Studio text: 81333 start message with the word "somerset"
E-mail: ku.oc.cbb%40tesremos
Studio e-mail: ku.oc.cbb%40tesremos
Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/somerset

West Somerset Radio - 104.4fm
West Somerset Radio, The Old Hospital, The Avenue, Minehead TA24 5AY
Tel: 01643 652844
Text: sms://+447520660044
Website: https://westsomersetradio.co.uk

Tide Times & Inshore Waters

Tide Tables
For information regarding Tide Times for the Bristol Channel area please click on the link below:https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/port-of-bristol-avonmouth-tide-times
Or see the West Somerset Free Press (Tel: 01643 702187) for details of tides for the area - published weekly.
Inshore WatersFor details of inshore water conditions for the Land's End to St.David's Head area (includes Bristol Channel) please click on the following link:https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/specialist-forecasts/coast-and-sea/inshore-waters-forecast
Other useful contact numbers:Minehead Lifeboat Station, Quay West, Minehead, TA24 5ULTel: 01643 703444 (Lifeboat Operations Manager)Open 11am-5pm dailyor Tel: 01643 706421 (Souvenir Shop)
Open Mar-Oct
Minehead Harbour Master, Quay Street, MineheadFor More Information - Click here

Street Light Faults

Somerset Council maintain and repair street lights to national standards to provide safe access to all road usersClick Here - To report a non urgent fault with a street light To report emergency problems with a street light (remember to note down the number of the street light) on Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm on 0345 601 0939, or outside these hours phone 0345 795 9639

Halls for Hire

Alcombe Methodist ChurchLower Meadow Road, Alcombe - 01643 704923Margaret Nevell - email: ten.klat.klat%40llevenfmmoc.liamg%40tsidohtemdaehenim
Alcombe Village HallMarshfield Road, Minehead - 01643 708107
Methodist Church HallThe Avenue, Minehead - 01643 702363Jean Armin - email: moc.liamg%40tsidohtemdaehenim
Minehead Baptist ChurchParks Lane, Minehead - 01643 709764 Also rooms at the Hub, next to the Firestation,  Alcombe - 01643 707598 email: moc.sulp.cbmbuheht%40ofni
Minehead First SchoolTownsend Road, Minehead - 01643 702938email: ku.vog.tesremos.cude%40loohcstsrifdaehenim
Minehead Middle SchoolPonsford Road, Minehead - 01643 702938email: ku.vog.tesremos.cude%40694.hcs
Quaker Meeting House9 Bancks Street, Minehead - Jane Cooper - 01643 224543email: ku.oc.liamtoh%40sgnikoob.chj Sainsbury Road Community HallSainsbury Road, Minehead - Mr and Mrs Atwell - 01643 705314
St. Michael the ArchangelChurch St, Alcombe - 01643 709491
The Lawns Community HallTownsend Road, Minehead - 01643 704180
The Old Ship AgroundThe Harbour, Minehead - 01643 703516
The Regal TheatreThe Avenue, Minehead - 01643 706430(please note this is a theatre with a small bar) - email: ku.oc.ertaehtlager%40liam
​Townsend HouseTownsend Road, Minehead - 01643 706258web: townsend house


Citizens Advice Bureau

If you require advice or information on consumer rights or wish to make a complaint against a trader, please call the Citizens Advice Bureau advice service:

(Open 10.00 am to 2.00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
(Telephone advice available between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm)

Website: www.citizenadvice.org.uk/


A free service run by Volunteers to help you.
Free confidential advice on: Welfare Benefits, Debt, Housing Problems, Employment, Consumer Issues, Divorce and Family Matters.

Opening Hours
Monday :
Market House Lane, Minehead - 10am until 2pm.

Market House Lane, Minehead - 10am until 2pm
Exmoor Medical Centre, Dulverton - 10am until 12 noon.

Wednesday - (Closed every 1st Wednesday of the month)
Market House Lane, Minehead - 10am until 1pm.
Williton Surgery - 10am until 12noon
Watchet The Sanctuary - 3pm until 5pm

Market House Lane, Minehead - 10am until 2pm.

Market House Lane - 10am until 2pm.

Contact: Advice Bureau, The Lane Centre, Market House Lane, Minehead, TA24 5NW.

Tel: 0800 802 1818 (between 10.00 am - 4.00 pm)

Email: ku.gro.ecivdatesremostsew%40seiriuqne


Community Council for Somerset/Village Agents

The Somerset Village Agents are part-time, highly trained individuals helping to bridge the gap between isolated, excluded, vulnerable and lonely individuals and statutory and/or voluntary organisations which offer specific solutions to identified needs. Local contact: Kristy Hirons tel: 07931 017889email: ku.gro.ccrtesremos%40ytsirkweb: somerset village agents

Emergency Numbers

Gas ( Transco) Tel: 0800 111 999
Western Power Distribution Tel: 0800 365 900
Scottish and Southern Energy Tel:0845 770 8090
Bristol Water Tel: 800 169 1144
Wessex Water 0845 6004600

Environment Agency

Regional Office: South West Regional Office, Manley House, Kestrel Way, Exeter, Devon EX2 7LQ

General Enquiries Tel: 08708 506506 - (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm)

Incident Hotline Tel: 0800 807060 (To report an environmental incident)

Floodline: 0845 988 1188 (24 Hour) - Information about flooding

To contact by email please use: - ku.vog.ycnega-tnemnorivne%40seiriuqne except for reporting environmental incidents.

Website: www.environment-agency.gov.uk 

Exmoor National Park

Exmoor National Park AuthorityExmoor House, Dulverton, SomersetTA22 9HL
For General Enquiries: Telephone: 01398 323665, E-mail: ku.vog.kraplanoitan-roomxe%40ofniOr visit their website: https://www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk/


Confidential Helpline, we listen, support and provide information.
Need someone to talk to? Feeling isolated? Distressed or upset? Give us a ring. Open 8.00 pm to 11.00 pm Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun.
Telephone: 01823 276892

Somerset Care & Repair

Support to help people live safely, securely and independently at home.
contact tel: 01749 345379
email: ku.oc.riaperdnaeractesremos%40eciffo
website: Somerset Care & Repair

Somerset Community Services for Adults

Telephone: 0300 123 2224
Open: 8 am - 6 pm, Mon-Fri
email: ku.vog.tesremos%40stluda
web: www.somerset.gov.uk/organisation/departments/adult-social-care

Somerset Community Care Matters

Covers a wide range of health and social care subjects relevant to community care law.
Telephone: 01823 282 538
email: ku.gro.mccs%40seiriuqne
web: www.somerset community care matters.org.uk

Somerset Heritage Centre

FORMERLY THE SOMERSET RECORD OFFICE (opened in September 2010)This service preserves and makes available to the public written documents of the county's people & communities. For more information please contact:
Somerset Heritage Centre, Brunel Way, Langford Mead, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton TA2 6SF.
Tel: 01823 278805 enquiries
Tel: 01823 337600 (appointments only) * Please make an appointment if you need a guaranteed place in the search room. 
Email: ku.gro.egatirehws%40sevihcratesremos
Website: http://swheritage.org.uk/somerset-archives/
Opening hours: Monday 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm - Tuesday-Friday - 9.00 am -5.00 pm; Alternate Saturdays - 9.00 am -1.00 pm 
The Somerset Heritage Centre has brought the whole of the Somerset Heritage Service onto one site, as well as the Somerset Studies Library. The archive catalogue can be viewed at home at ​https://www.swheritage.org.uk/online-catalogues​and the library catalogue at www.librarieswest.org.uk

Somerset Choices

Local care and services to help you choose the right level of care and support. Includes Somerset's local offer.
website: www.somersetchoices.org.uk

Somerset Studies Library

Is now part of the Somerset Heritage Centre at Brunel Way, Langford Mead, Norton Fitzwarren, TA2 6SF.Tel: 01823 278805Fax: 01823 347459Email: ku.vog.tesremos%40sevihcraweb : www.librarieswest.org.uk

Devon & Somerset Trading Standards

County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 4QH
For more information please see trading standards web site
email: ku.vog.noved%40ecivdast
Cannot provide advice directly. Contact Citizens Advice Consumer helpline for advice on many topics.
Tel: 03454 040506.

Somerset Warm & Well

No longer exists but similar information and advice and help can be found at web: warm and well and also
web: energy saving trust email: ku.gro.tse%40ecivda-ygrene tel: 0300 123 1234.

​Home Energy Team (Centre for Sustainable Energy)

​For free and independent advice on any of your energy issues, including: high fuel bills, cold home, damp problems, switching advice, payment problems and more.
9- 5pm Monday to Friday
tel: 0800 082 2234
web: www.cse.org.uk/advice/contact-us

Somerset Total Advocacy

An independent advocacy service supporting vulnerable people across Somerset.
contact email: ku.gro.ycacovdatesremos%40nimda
web: somerset total advocacy

tel: 01823 322900
​fax: 01823 322901

Report Hazard on the Road

You can report a hazard on the road using this online form, including items or obstructions such as rubbish, tyres or blown/displaced traffic cones.https://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/hazards-on-the-road/To report an urgent out- of hours highways issue that's a risk to public safety, please call Somerset Lifeline 0300 123 2224IMPORTANT NOTE: If the hazard is on M5, A303 or A36 please contact National Highways 0300 123 5000
Gritting/salt spreading - this is the link to the roads that are salted in Somersethttps://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/gritting-map/