01643 707213

Committee Agendas & Minutes

Full Council

Mayor - Cllr C Palmer
Deputy Mayor - Cllr A Lawton
Other Members: Cllr T Bartlett, Cllr C Beynon, Cllr J Bonar, Cllr B Hall, Cllr B Hodson, Cllr B Jewell, Cllr M Kravis, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr M Sharjeel

Planning Committee

Chair - Cllr M Palmer
Committee Members: Cllr T Bartlett, Cllr B Hodson, Cllr M Kravis, Cllr A Lawton, Cllr C Palmer, Cllr M Palmer
For more information on the Terms of Reference for the Planning Committee please CLICK HERE

Annual Town Public Meetings

The Annual Parish or Town Meeting is a gathering of people residing within the town of Minehead, which must occur between March 1st and June 1st each year. This meeting is distinct from a council meeting, as it is organised by the Town Council specifically for the residents of Minehead. It presents an excellent chance for residents to gain insights into their local community and understand the dynamic between the Town Council and the broader population of Minehead.

