The Council has sixteen members, representing five Wards: Minehead (Alcombe North Ward); Minehead (Alcombe South Ward); Minehead Central Ward; Minehead North Ward and Minehead (Periton & Woodcombe Ward). The boundaries of these Wards are decided by population to give fairly even representation and elections to the Council are held every four years.
Each year in May an Annual Council Meeting is held when the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Committees are elected. Each Councillor sits on at least one Committee, with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor being ex-officio members of all of the Committees.
The Committees are as follows: ● Finance and General Purposes; Planning. All Meetings are held monthly with the Planning Committee Meeting on the first Tuesday of the month, the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting on the second Tuesday of the month● Full Council Meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Agendas and Minutes are available for the public to read in the Minehead Town Council's offices at 3 Summerland Road, Minehead TA24 5BP and on this website. There are also a number of other Advisory Groups, some of which include representatives from other town groups.